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123  published scientific papers (since 2019)

BIOTOX group h-index      18

1038  citations (since 2019)


Scientific Publications

Oliveira-Alves, S.C., F. Andrade, J. Sousa, A. Bento-Silva, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, M. Salazar, E. Mecha, A.T. Serra, e M.R. Bronze. «Soilless Cultivated Halophyte Plants: Volatile, Nutritional, Phytochemical, and Biological Differences». Antioxidants 12, n.o 6 (2023).


Mesa-Marín, J., E. Mateos-Naranjo, J. Carreiras, E. Feijão, B. Duarte, A.R. Matos, M. Betti, et al. «Interactive Temperature and CO2 Rise, Salinity, Drought, and Bacterial Inoculation Alter the Content of Fatty Acids, Total Phenols, and Oxalates in the Edible Halophyte Salicornia Ramosissima». Plants 12, n.o 6 (2023).


Lopes, V.M., M. Court, M.C. Seco, F.O. Borges, B. Vicente, S. Lage, A.C. Braga, et al. «Gymnodinium Catenatum Paralytic Shellfish Toxin Production and Photobiological Responses under Marine Heat Waves». Toxins 15, n.o 2 (2023).


Leston, S., A. Freitas, J. Rosa, A.S. Vila Pouca, J. Barbosa, P. Reis-Santos, V.F. Fonseca, M.A. Pardal, e F. Ramos. «Pharmaceuticals in Coastal Waters: An UHPLC-TOF-MS Multi-Residue Approach». Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13, n.o 10 (2023).


Kim, D., M.L.P. Roque, M.N.S.C. Yu, R. Concepcion, e B. Duarte. «Dissolved Oxygen Management in Enhancing a First-Order Closed-Loop Shrimp Aquaculture System Using an Adaptive PID and PI-Based Controller». Em Int. Conf. Bus. Ind. Res., ICBIR - Proc., 512–18. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023.


Hasnain, M., N. Munir, Z. Abideen, F. Zulfiqar, H.W. Koyro, A. El-Naggar, I. Caçador, B. Duarte, J. Rinklebe, e J.W.H. Yong. «Biochar-Plant Interaction and Detoxification Strategies under Abiotic Stresses for Achieving Agricultural Resilience: A Critical Review». Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 249 (2023).


Duarte, B., J. Melo, R. Mamede, J. Carreiras, A. Figueiredo, V.F. Fonseca, M.L. de Sousa, e A.B. Silva. «In the Trail of “Maçã de Alcobaça” Protected Geographical Indication (PGI): Multielement Chemometrics as a Security and Anti-Fraud Tool to Depict Clones, Cultivars and Geographical Origins and Nutritional Value». Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 115 (2023).


Duarte, B., V. Pires, J. Carreiras, R.C. de Carvalho, R. Ferreira, M.F.C. Pereira, A.M. Maurício, S. Martins-Dias, e I. Caçador. «Cistus Ladanifer Metal Uptake and Physiological Performance in Biochar Amended Mine Soils». South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023): 246–57.


Duarte, I.A., P. Reis-Santos, J. Fick, H.N. Cabral, B. Duarte, e V.F. Fonseca. «Neuroactive Pharmaceuticals in Estuaries: Occurrence and Tissue-Specific Bioaccumulation in Multiple Fish Species». Environmental Pollution 316 (2023).


Alves, L.M.F., A.B. Moutinho, L.J. Gómez, A.L. Oropesa, J. Muñoz-Arnanz, B. Jiménez, M.F.L. Lemos, V.F. Fonseca, H. Cabral, e S.C. Novais. «Evidence of Contamination-Associated Damage in Blue Sharks (Prionace Glauca) from the Northeast Atlantic». Science of the Total Environment 872 (2023).


Arroyo, C.L., R. Concepcion, R.R. Vicerra, B. Duarte, e V. Fonseca. «Hybrid NCA-MRMR and Mamdani Type 1 Fuzzy Logic-Based Classification of Chemical Contamination State in Marine Transitional Systems». Em Int. Conf. Bus. Ind. Res., ICBIR - Proc., 1170–75. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023.


Bankaji, I., R. Kouki, N. Dridi, R. Ferreira, S. Hidouri, B. Duarte, N. Sleimi, e I. Caçador. «Comparison of Digestion Methods Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for the Determination of Metal Levels in Plants». Separations 10, n.o 1 (2023).


Carreiras, J., A. Cruz-Silva, B. Fonseca, R.C. Carvalho, J.P. Cunha, J. Proença Pereira, C. Paiva-Silva, et al. «Improving Grapevine Heat Stress Resilience with Marine Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Consortia». Microorganisms 11, n.o 4 (2023).


Cavaco, A.R., G. Laureano, B. Duarte, J. Marques da Silva, C. Gameiro, J. Cunha, J. Eiras Dias, A.R. Matos, e A. Figueiredo. «First Assessment of Leaf Lipids and Fatty Acids as Biomarkers of Grapevine Tolerance/Susceptibility to Plasmopara Viticola». Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 124 (2023).


Concepcion, R., B. Duarte, M. Gemel Palconit, J. Jahara Baun, A. Bandala, R. Rhay Vicerra, e E. Dadios. «Screen-Printed Graphite Electrode on Polyvinyl Chloride and Parchment Strips Integrated with Genetic Programming for in Situ Nitrate Sensing of Aquaponic Pond Water». Information Processing in Agriculture, 2023.


Cruz-Silva, A., G. Laureano, M. Pereira, R. Dias, J.M.D. Silva, N. Oliveira, C. Gouveia, et al. «A New Perspective for Vineyard Terroir Identity: Looking for Microbial Indicator Species by Long Read Nanopore Sequencing». Microorganisms 11, n.o 3 (2023).


Duarte, B., J. Carreiras, B. Fonseca, R.C. de Carvalho, A.R. Matos, e I. Caçador. «Improving Salicornia Ramosissima Photochemical and Biochemical Resilience to Extreme Heatwaves through Rhizosphere Engineering with Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 199 (2023).


Duarte, B., R. Mamede, I. Caçador, R. Melo, e V.F. Fonseca. «Trust Your Seaweeds: Fine-Scale Multi-Elemental Traceability of Edible Seaweed Species Harvested within an Estuarine System». Algal Research 70 (2023).


Duarte, B., R. Mamede, I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, R.P. Vasconcelos, C. Gameiro, R. Rosa, S.E. Tanner, e V.F. Fonseca. «Elemental and Spectral Chemometric Analyses of Octopus Vulgaris Beaks as Reliable Markers of Capture Location». Journal of Food Science 88, n.o 4 (2023): 1349–64.


Mamede, R., I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, R.P. Vasconcelos, C. Gameiro, P. Canada, et al. «Elemental Fingerprinting of Wild and Farmed Fish Muscle to Authenticate and Validate Production Method». Foods 11, n.o 19 (2022).


Mamede, R., I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, S.E. Tanner, M. Silva, D. Jacinto, V.F. Fonseca, e B. Duarte. «Elemental Fingerprinting of Sea Urchin (Paracentrotus Lividus) Gonads to Assess Food Safety and Trace Its Geographic Origin». Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 114 (2022).


Nunes, D., R. André, A. Ressaissi, B. Duarte, R. Melo, e M.L. Serralheiro. «Influence of Gender and Age of Brown Seaweed (Fucus Vesiculosus) on Biochemical Activities of Its Aqueous Extracts». Foods 11, n.o 1 (2022).


Pérez-Romero, J.A., J.-M. Barcia-Piedras, S. Redondo-Gómez, I. Caçador, B. Duarte, e E. Mateos-Naranjo. «Salinity Modulates Juncus Acutus L. Tolerance to Diesel Fuel Pollution». Plants 11, n.o 6 (2022).


Queirós, J.P., D.W. Stevens, M.H. Pinkerton, R. Rosa, B. Duarte, A. Baeta, J.A. Ramos, e J.C. Xavier. «Feeding and Trophic Ecology of Antarctic Toothfish Dissostichus Mawsoni in the Amundsen and Dumont D’Urville Seas (Antarctica)». Hydrobiologia 849, n.o 10 (2022): 2317–33.


Roma, J., E. Feijão, C. Vinagre, B. Duarte, e A.R. Matos. «Impacts of Dissolved Zn and Nanoparticle Forms in the Fatty Acid Landscape of Mytilus Galloprovincialis». Science of the Total Environment 817 (2022).


Sghaier, D.B., S. Pedro, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, e N. Sleimi. «Photosythetic Responses of Two Salt-Tolerant Plants, Tamarix Gallica and Arthrocnemum Indicum against Arsenic Stress: A Case Study». Em Arsen. in Plants: Uptake, Conseq. and Remediat. Tech., 129–52. wiley, 2022.


Sleimi, N., I. Bankaji, R. Kouki, N. Dridi, B. Duarte, e I. Caçador. «Assessment of Extraction Methods of Trace Metallic Elements in Plants: Approval of a Common Method». Sustainability (Switzerland) 14, n.o 3 (2022).


Stratoudakis, Y., M. Caetano, C. Afonso, C. Bartilloti, A. dos Santos, P. Terrinha, I. Figueiredo, et al. «One Step from the Deep Ocean: Linking Research and Governance for the Tagus River Estuary and the Lisbon Canyon System – A Conference Report». Em Mar. Policy, Vol. 144. Elsevier Ltd, 2022.


Dridi, N., H. Bulimic, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, e N. Sleimi. «Evaluation of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters and Some Bioindicators of Barium Tolerance in Limbarda Crithmoides and Helianthus Annuus». International Journal of Plant Biology 13, n.o 2 (2022): 115–31.


Duarte, B., J. Carreiras, R. Mamede, I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, R.P. Vasconcelos, et al. «Written in Ink: Elemental Signatures in Octopus Ink Successfully Trace Geographical Origin». Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022).


Duarte, B., I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, R.P. Vasconcelos, C. Gameiro, S.E. Tanner, e V.F. Fonseca. «Elemental Fingerprinting of Thornback Ray (Raja Clavata) Muscle Tissue as a Tracer for Provenance and Food Safety Assessment». Food Control 133 (2022).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, R. Cruz de Carvalho, I.A. Duarte, A.P. Marques, M. Maia, J. Hertzog, et al. «Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals Antidepressant Effects in a Marine Photosynthetic Organism: The Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum as a Case Study». Biology 11, n.o 12 (2022).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, R. Cruz de Carvalho, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, S.C. Novais, A. Moutinho, et al. «Effect Biomarkers of the Widespread Antimicrobial Triclosan in a Marine Model Diatom». Antioxidants 11, n.o 8 (2022).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, M. Franzitta, I.A. Duarte, R.C. de Carvalho, M.T. Cabrita, J.C. Marques, I. Caçador, V. Fonseca, e A.R. Matos. «LipidTOX: A Fatty Acid-Based Index Efficient for Ecotoxicological Studies with Marine Model Diatoms Exposed to Legacy and Emerging Contaminants». Ecological Indicators 139 (2022).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, M.V. Pinto, A.R. Matos, A. Silva, A. Figueiredo, V.F. Fonseca, P. Reis-Santos, e I. Caçador. «Nutritional Valuation and Food Safety of Endemic Mediterranean Halophytes Species Cultivated in Abandoned Salt Pans under a Natural Irrigation Scheme». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 265 (2022).


Duarte, B., A. Figueiredo, P. Ramalhosa, J. Canning-Clode, I. Caçador, e V.F. Fonseca. «Unravelling the Portuguese Coastal and Transitional Waters’ Microbial Resistome as a Biomarker of Differential Anthropogenic Impact». Toxics 10, n.o 10 (2022).


Duarte, B., V.F. Fonseca, P. Reis-Santos, e I. Caçador. «Bioinvasion by Spartina Patens Alters Sediment Biogeochemical Functioning of European Salt Marshes». Biological Invasions 24, n.o 10 (2022): 3217–32.


Duarte, B., J.W. Goessling, V.F. Fonseca, S.-E. Jacobsen, e A.R. Matos. «Quinoa Variety Identification Based on Fatty Acid Composition and Multivariate Chemometrics Approaches». Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 114 (2022).


Duarte, B., R. Mamede, J. Carreiras, I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, R.P. Vasconcelos, et al. «Harnessing the Full Power of Chemometric-Based Analysis of Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectral Data to Boost the Identification of Seafood Provenance and Fishing Areas». Foods 11, n.o 17 (2022).


Duarte, B., R. Mamede, I.A. Duarte, I. Caçador, S.E. Tanner, M. Silva, D. Jacinto, T. Cruz, e V.F. Fonseca. «Elemental Chemometrics as Tools to Depict Stalked Barnacle (Pollicipes Pollicipes) Harvest Locations and Food Safety». Molecules 27, n.o 4 (2022).


Duarte, B., T. Repolho, J.R. Paula, I. Caçador, A.R. Matos, e R. Rosa. «Ocean Acidification Alleviates Dwarf Eelgrass (Zostera Noltii) Lipid Landscape Remodeling under Warming Stress». Biology 11, n.o 5 (2022).


Duarte, B., N. Sleimi, e I. Caçador. «Sediment Phosphorus Speciation Changes by Extracellular Enzymatic Activity (EEA) of Three Phosphatase PH-Dependent Isoforms». Marine Chemistry 246 (2022).


Duarte, B., C.M. Teixeira, I. Martins, A.H. Engelen, R.L. Costa, J.B. Adams, M.J. Bebianno, R.A. Melo, e V.F. Fonseca. «Editorial: Emerging Topics in Coastal and Transitional Ecosystems: Science, Literacy, and Innovation». Frontiers in Marine Science 9 (2022).


Duarte, I.A., J. Fick, H.N. Cabral, e V.F. Fonseca. «Bioconcentration of Neuroactive Pharmaceuticals in Fish: Relation to Lipophilicity, Experimental Design and Toxicity in the Aquatic Environment». Science of the Total Environment 812 (2022).


Feijão, E., R. Cruz de Carvalho, I.A. Duarte, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, A.B. Utkin, I. Caçador, et al. «Fluoxetine Induces Photochemistry-Derived Oxidative Stress on Ulva Lactuca». Frontiers in Environmental Science 10 (2022).


Fonseca, V.F., I.A. Duarte, E. Feijão, A.R. Matos, e B. Duarte. «Fatty Acid-Based Index Development in Estuarine Organisms to Pinpoint Environmental Contamination». Marine Pollution Bulletin 180 (2022).


Fonseca, V.F., I.A. Duarte, A.R. Matos, P. Reis-Santos, e B. Duarte. «Fatty Acid Profiles as Natural Tracers of Provenance and Lipid Quality Indicators in Illegally Sourced Fish and Bivalves». Food Control 134 (2022).


Lemos, M.F.L., B. Duarte, V.F. Fonseca, e S.C. Novais. «Effects on Biomarkers in Stress Ecology Studies. Well, So What? What Now?» Biology 11, n.o 12 (2022).


Alajas, O.J., R. Concepcion, A. Bandala, E. Sybingco, R.R. Vicerra, E.P. Dadios, C.H. Mendigoria, H. Aquino, L. Ambata, e B. Duarte. «Detection

and Quantitative Prediction of Diplocarpon Earlianum Infection Rate in Strawberry Leaves Using Population-Based Recurrent Neural Network». Em IEEE Int. IOT, Electron. Mechatronics Conf., IEMTRONICS, editado por Chakrabarti S., Paul R., Gill B., Gangopadhyay M., e Poddar S. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022.


Alajas, O.J., R. Concepcion, R.R. Vicerra, A. Bandala, E. Sybingco, E. Dadios, J. Cuello, e V. Fonseca. «Indirect Prediction of Aquaponic Water Nitrate Concentration Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Recurrent Neural Network». Em IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid, Nanotechnol., Inf. Technol., Commun. Control, Environ., Manag., HNICEM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021.


Arroyo, C.L., M. Dionela, M.G. Ann Bautista, R. Concepcion, R.R. Vicerra, e B. Duarte. «Biomonitoring Technologies Used in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Systematic and Trend Analysis». Em IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid, Nanotechnol., Inf. Technol., Commun. Control, Environ., Manag., HNICEM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022.


Bautista, M.G.A.C., M.G.B. Palconit, M.A. Rosales, R.S. Concepcion, A.A. Bandala, E.P. Dadios, e B. Duarte. «Fuzzy Logic-Based Adaptive Aquaculture Water Monitoring System Based on Instantaneous Limnological Parameters». Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 26, n.o 6 (2022): 937–43.


Bejar, A.T.A., J.K.T. Ouyang, V.M.D. Villabroza, A.M. Correa, R. Concepcion, M.G. Palconit, R.R. Vicerra, B. Duarte, e V.F. Fonseca. «Enhancing Tilapia Harvesting through Semi-Automated Fish Pen Elevating System and Single-Input-Multiple-Output Aquaculture Pump System». Em IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid, Nanotechnol., Inf. Technol., Commun. Control, Environ., Manag., HNICEM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022.


Borges, F.O., C.P. Santos, J.R. Paula, E. Mateos-Naranjo, S. Redondo-Gomez, J.B. Adams, I. Caçador, et al. «Invasion and Extirpation Potential of Native and Invasive Spartina Species Under Climate Change». Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021).


Cabral, H.N., A. Borja, V.F. Fonseca, T.D. Harrison, N. Teichert, M. Lepage, e M.C. Leal. «Fishes and Estuarine Environmental Health». Em Fish and Fish. in Estuaries: A Glob. Perspect., 332–79. wiley, 2022.


Carreiras, J., I. Caçador, e B. Duarte. «Bioaugmentation Improves Phytoprotection in Halimione Portulacoides Exposed to Mild Salt Stress: Perspectives for Salinity Tolerance Improvement». Plants 11, n.o 8 (2022).


Carreiras, J., J.A. Pérez-Romero, E. Mateos-Naranjo, S. Redondo-Gómez, A.R. Matos, I. Caçador, e B. Duarte. «Heavy Metal Pre-Conditioning History Modulates Spartina Patens Physiological Tolerance along a Salinity Gradient». Plants 10, n.o 10 (2021).


Concepcion, R., J. Alejandrino, M.G. Palconit, I. Lamboloto, E. Dadios, B. Duarte, e S. Lauguico. «Identification of Philippine Maize Variety Using Convolutional Neural Network with Kernel Morphological Phenes Characterization». Em IEEE Reg. Humanit. Technol. Conf.: Sustain. Technol. Humanit., R10-HTC, Vol. 2021-September. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021.


Concepcion, R., E. Dadios, A. Bandala, I. Caçador, V.F. Fonseca, e B. Duarte. «Applying Limnological Feature-Based Machine Learning Techniques to Chemical State Classification in Marine Transitional Systems». Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021).


Concepcion, R., E. Dadios, J. Cuello, e B. Duarte. «Thermo-Gas Dynamics Affect the Leaf Canopy Shape and Moisture Content of Aquaponic Lettuce in a Modified Partially Diffused Microclimatic Chamber». Scientia Horticulturae 292 (2022).


Concepcion, R., B. Duarte, A. Bandala, J. Cuello, R.R. Vicerra, e E. Dadios. «Characterization of Potassium Chloride Stress on Philippine Vigna Radiata Varieties in Temperature-Stabilized Hydroponics Using Genetic Programming». Em IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid, Nanotechnol., Inf. Technol., Commun. Control, Environ., Manag., HNICEM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021.


Concepcion, R., M.G. Palconit, C.H. Mendigoria, J.J. Baun, J. Alejandrino, V. Fonseca, A.P. Mayol, et al. «Analytical Hierarchy Processing for Sustainable Intensive Caged Tilapia and Milkfish Cultivation Site Selection in the Philippines». Em IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid, Nanotechnol., Inf. Technol., Commun. Control, Environ., Manag., HNICEM. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021.


Cruz de Carvalho, R., E. Feijão, I. Duarte, V. Pinto, M. Silva, A.R. Matos, A.B. da Silva, et al. «Ecoengineering Solutions for the Impairment of Spreading and Growth of Invasive Spartina Patens in Mediterranean Salt Marshes». Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021).


Cruz de Carvalho, R., E. Feijão, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, A.B. Utkin, S.C. Novais, M.F.L. Lemos, et al. «Ecotoxicological Effects of the Anionic Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) in Two Marine Primary Producers: Phaeodactylum Tricornutum and Ulva Lactuca». Toxics 10, n.o 12 (2022).


———. «Effects of Glyphosate-Based Herbicide on Primary Production and Physiological Fitness of the Macroalgae Ulva Lactuca». Toxics 10, n.o 8 (2022).


Deleja, M., J.R. Paula, T. Repolho, M. Franzitta, M. Baptista, V. Lopes, S. Simão, V.F. Fonseca, B. Duarte, e R. Rosa. «Effects of Hypoxia on Coral Photobiology and Oxidative Stress». Biology 11, n.o 7 (2022).


Duarte, B., e I. Caçador. «Iberian Halophytes as Agroecological Solutions for Degraded Lands and Biosaline Agriculture». Sustainability (Switzerland) 13, n.o 2 (2021): 1–14.


Duarte, B., J. Carreiras, e I. Caçador. «Climate Change Impacts on Salt Marsh Blue Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous Stocks and Ecosystem Services». Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 11, n.o 4 (2021): 1–18.


Duarte, B., J. Carreiras, E. Feijão, R.C. de Carvalho, A.R. Matos, V.F. Fonseca, S.C. Novais, e M.F.L. Lemos. «Potential of Asparagopsis Armata as a Biopesticide for Weed Control under an Invasive Seaweed Circular-Economy Framework». Biology 10, n.o 12 (2021).


Duarte, B., J. Carreiras, E. Feijão, P. Reis-Santos, I. Caçador, A.R. Matos, e V.F. Fonseca. «Fatty Acid Profiles of Estuarine Macroalgae Are Biomarkers of Anthropogenic Pressures: Development and Application of 07a Multivariate Pressure Index». Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021).


Duarte, B., L. Durante, J.C. Marques, P. Reis-Santos, V.F. Fonseca, e I. Caçador. «Development of a Toxicophenomic Index for Trace Element Ecotoxicity Tests Using the Halophyte Juncus Acutus: Juncus-TOX». Ecological Indicators 121 (2021).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, R. Cruz de Carvalho, M. Franzitta, J. Carlos Marques, I. Caçador, M. Teresa Cabrita, e V.F. Fonseca. «Unlocking Kautsky’s Dark Box: Development of an Optical Toxicity Classification Tool (OPTOX Index) with Marine Diatoms Exposed to Emerging Contaminants». Ecological Indicators 131 (2021).


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, J.W. Goessling, I. Caçador, e A.R. Matos. «Pigment and Fatty Acid Production under Different Light Qualities in the Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 11, n.o 6 (2021).


Duarte, B., C. Gameiro, A.R. Matos, A. Figueiredo, M.S. Silva, C. Cordeiro, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, V. Fonseca, e M.T. Cabrita. «First Screening of Biocides, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Antarctic Phytoplankton from Deception Island by FT-ICR-MS». Chemosphere 274 (2021).


Duarte, B., C. Gameiro, A.B. Utkin, A.R. Matos, I. Caçador, V. Fonseca, e M.T. Cabrita. «A Multivariate Approach to Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Data for Trace Element Ecotoxicological Trials Using a Model Marine Diatom». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 250 (2021).


Fernandes, S.P.S., V.F. Fonseca, V. Romero, I.A. Duarte, A. Freitas, J. Barbosa, P. Reis-Santos, L.M. Salonen, e B. Espiña. «Study on the Efficiency of a Covalent Organic Framework as Adsorbent for the Screening of Pharmaceuticals in Estuary Waters». Chemosphere 278 (2021).


Ferreira, D., J. Figueiredo, G. Laureano, A. Machado, J.D. Arrabaça, B. Duarte, A. Figueiredo, e A.R. Matos. «Membrane Remodelling and Triacylglycerol Accumulation in Drought Stress Resistance: The Case Study of Soybean Phospholipases A». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 169 (2021): 9–21.


Fonseca, V.F., I.A. Duarte, B. Duarte, A. Freitas, A.S.V. Pouca, J. Barbosa, B.M. Gillanders, e P. Reis-Santos. «Environmental Risk Assessment and Bioaccumulation of Pharmaceuticals in a Large Urbanized Estuary». Science of the Total Environment 783 (2021).


França, S., V.F. Fonseca, S.E. Tanner, R.P. Vasconcelos, P. Reis-Santos, A. Maia, M. Ruano, et al. «Historical Data in the CoastNet Geoportal: Documenting Fish Assemblages in Portuguese Estuaries». Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021).


Franzitta, M., T. Repolho, J.R. Paula, I. Caçador, A.R. Matos, R. Rosa, e B. Duarte. «Dwarf Eelgrass (Zostera Noltii) Fatty Acid Remodelling Induced by Climate Change». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 261 (2021).


Jueterbock, A., B. Duarte, J. Coyer, J.L. Olsen, M.E.L. Kopp, I. Smolina, S. Arnaud-Haond, Z.-M. Hu, e G. Hoarau. «Adaptation of Temperate Seagrass to Arctic Light Relies on Seasonal Acclimatization of Carbon Capture and Metabolism». Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (2021).


Maia, M., A.R. Cavaco, G. Laureano, J. Cunha, J. Eiras-Dias, A.R. Matos, B. Duarte, e A. Figueiredo. «More than Just Wine: The Nutritional Benefits of Grapevine Leaves». Foods 10, n.o 10 (2021).


Martinho, F., B. Pina, M. Nunes, R.P. Vasconcelos, V.F. Fonseca, D. Crespo, A.L. Primo, et al. «Water and Otolith Chemistry: Implications for Discerning Estuarine Nursery Habitat Use of a Juvenile Flatfish». Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (2020).


Oliveira-Alves, S.C., F. Andrade, I. Prazeres, A.B. Silva, J. Capelo, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, J. Coelho, A.T. Serra, e M.R. Bronze. «Impact of Drying Processes on the Nutritional Composition, Volatile Profile, Phytochemical Content and Bioactivity of Salicornia Ramosissima j. Woods». Antioxidants 10, n.o 8 (2021).


Palconit, M.G.B., R.S. Concepcion, J.D. Alejandrino, V.F. Fonseca, E. Sybingco, A.A. Bandala, R.R.P. Vicerra, e E.P. Dadios. «IoT-Based On-Demand Feeding System for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)». Em IEEE Reg 10 Annu Int Conf Proc TENCON, 2021-December:698–702. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021.


Pires, V.L., S.C. Novais, M.F.L. Lemos, V.F. Fonseca, e B. Duarte. «Evaluation of Multivariate Biomarker Indexes Application in Ecotoxicity Tests with Marine Diatoms Exposed to Emerging Contaminants». Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 11, n.o 9 (2021).


Queirós, J.P., J.A. Ramos, Y. Cherel, M. Franzitta, B. Duarte, R. Rosa, F. Monteiro, et al. «Cephalopod Fauna of the Pacific Southern Ocean Using Antarctic Toothfish (Dissostichus Mawsoni) as Biological Samplers and Fisheries Bycatch Specimens». Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 174 (2021).


Rodrigues, N.M., J.E. Batista, P. Mariano, V. Fonseca, B. Duarte, e S. Silva. «Artificial Intelligence Meets Marine Ecotoxicology: Applying Deep Learning to Bio-Optical Data from Marine Diatoms Exposed to Legacy and Emerging Contaminants». Biology 10, n.o 9 (2021).


Roma, J., A.R. Matos, C. Vinagre, e B. Duarte. «Engineered Metal Nanoparticles in the Marine Environment: A Review of the Effects on Marine Fauna». Marine Environmental Research 161 (2020).


Sghaier, D.B., S. Pedro, B. Duarte, M. Diniz, I. Caçador, e N. Sleimi. «Arsenic Accumulation, Compartmentation, and Complexation in Arthrocnemum Indicum». Em Plant Ecophysiology and Adaptation under Climate Change: Mechanisms and Perspectives I: General Consequences and Plant Responses, 707–16. Springer Singapore, 2020.


Silva, M., E. Feijão, R. da Cruz de Carvalho, I.A. Duarte, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, A. Barreiro, et al. «Comfortably Numb: Ecotoxicity of the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Ibuprofen on Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Marine Environmental Research 161 (2020).


Turcios, A.E., M. Hielscher, B. Duarte, V.F. Fonseca, I. Caçador, e J. Papenbrock. «Screening of Emerging Pollutants (Eps) in Estuarine Water and

Phytoremediation Capacity of Tripolium Pannonicum under Controlled Conditions». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, n.o 3 (2021): 1–17.


Utkin, A.B., B. Duarte, e M.T. Cabrita. «Prospective of Laser-Induced Fluorescence as a Non-Invasive Tool for Ecotoxicological Assessments». Em Proc. - Int. Conf. Laser Opt., ICLO. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020.


Vilhena, J.C.E., A. Amorim, L. Ribeiro, B. Duarte, e M. Pombo. «Baseline Study of Trace Element Concentrations in Sediments of the Intertidal Zone of Amazonian Oceanic Beaches». Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021).


Barreto, A., A. Dias, B. Duarte, E. Pinto, A. Almeida, T. Trindade, A.M.V.M. Soares, K. Hylland, S. Loureiro, e M. Oliveira. «Biological Effects and Bioaccumulation of Gold in Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata) – Nano versus Ionic Form». Science of the Total Environment 716 (2020).


Bortolus, A., P. Adam, J.B. Adams, M.L. Ainouche, D. Ayres, M.D. Bertness, T.J. Bouma, et al. «Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary Perspective Shows Spartina as a Distinct Solid Genus». Ecology 100, n.o 11 (2019).


Cabral, H., V. Fonseca, T. Sousa, e M.C. Leal. «Synergistic Effects of Climate Change and Marine Pollution: An Overlooked Interaction in Coastal and Estuarine Areas». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, n.o 15 (2019).


Cabrita, M.T., P. Brito, I. Caçador, e B. Duarte. «Impacts of Phytoplankton Blooms on Trace Metal Recycling and Bioavailability during Dredging Events in the Sado Estuary (Portugal)». Marine Environmental Research 153 (2020).


Cabrita, M.T., B. Duarte, R. Cesário, R. Mendes, H. Hintelmann, K. Eckey, B. Dimock, I. Caçador, e J. Canário. «Mercury Mobility and Effects in the Salt-Marsh Plant Halimione Portulacoides: Uptake, Transport, and Toxicity and Tolerance Mechanisms». Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019): 111–20.


Carreiras, J., J. Alberto Pérez-Romero, E. Mateos-Naranjo, S. Redondo-Gómez, A. Rita Matos, I. Caçador, e B. Duarte. «The Effect of Heavy Metal Contamination Pre-Conditioning in the Heat Stress Tolerance of Native and Invasive Mediterranean Halophytes». Ecological Indicators 111 (2020).


Carvalho, R.C. de, E. Feijão, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, S.C. Novais, M.F.L. Lemos, I. Caçador, et al. «Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Toxicophenomics in Marine Diatoms: Impacts on Primary Production and Physiological Fitness». Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10, n.o 21 (2020): 1–21.


Cruz de Carvalho, R., E. Feijão, E. Kletschkus, J.C. Marques, P. Reis-Santos, V.F. Fonseca, J. Papenbrock, I. Caçador, e B. Duarte. «Halophyte Bio-Optical Phenotyping: A Multivariate Photochemical Pressure Index (Multi-PPI) to Classify Salt Marsh Anthropogenic Pressures Levels». Ecological Indicators 119 (2020).


Duarte, B., I. Caçador, e A.R. Matos. «Lipid Landscape Remodelling in Sarcocornia Fruticosa Green and Red Physiotypes». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 157 (2020): 128–37.


Duarte, B., E. Feijão, R.C. de Carvalho, I.A. Duarte, M. Silva, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, et al. «Effects of Propranolol on Growth, Lipids and Energy Metabolism and Oxidative Stress Response of Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Biology 9, n.o 12 (2020): 1–21.


Duarte, B., E. Manjate, e I. Caçador. «Baseline Survey on the Accumulation of Microdebris in the Intertidal Sediments of a Reference Estuarine System (Mira Estuary, Portugal)». Oceans 1, n.o 2 (2020): 47–55.


Duarte, B., A.R. Matos, e I. Caçador. «Photobiological and Lipidic Responses Reveal the Drought Tolerance of Aster Tripolium Cultivated under Severe and Moderate Drought: Perspectives for Arid Agriculture in the Mediterranean». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 154 (2020): 304–15.


Duarte, B., A.R. Matos, S. Pedro, J.C. Marques, H. Adão, e I. Caçador. «Dwarf Eelgrass (Zostera Noltii) Leaf Fatty Acid Profile during a Natural Restoration Process: Physiological and Ecological Implications». Ecological Indicators 106 (2019).


Duarte, B., D. Prata, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, I. Caçador, J.C. Marques, H.N. Cabral, P. Reis-Santos, e V.F. Fonseca. «Ecotoxicity of the Lipid-Lowering Drug Bezafibrate on the Bioenergetics and Lipid Metabolism of the Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019): 2085–94.


Duarte, I.A., M.P. Pais, P. Reis-Santos, H.N. Cabral, e V.F. Fonseca. «Biomarker and Behavioural Responses of an Estuarine Fish Following Acute Exposure to Fluoxetine». Marine Environmental Research 147 (2019): 24–31.


Duarte, I.A., P. Reis-Santos, S.C. Novais, L.D. Rato, M.F.L. Lemos, A. Freitas, A.S.V. Pouca, J. Barbosa, H.N. Cabral, e V.F. Fonseca. «Depressed, Hypertense and Sore: Long-Term Effects of Fluoxetine, Propranolol and Diclofenac Exposure in a Top Predator Fish». Science of the Total Environment 712 (2020).


Feijão, E., R. Cruz de Carvalho, I.A. Duarte, A.R. Matos, M.T. Cabrita, S.C. Novais, M.F.L. Lemos, et al. «Fluoxetine Arrests Growth of the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum by Increasing Oxidative Stress and Altering Energetic and Lipid Metabolism». Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (2020).


Feijão, E., M. Franzitta, M.T. Cabrita, I. Caçador, B. Duarte, C. Gameiro, e A.R. Matos. «Marine Heat Waves Alter Gene Expression of Key Enzymes of Membrane and Storage Lipids Metabolism in Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 156 (2020): 357–68.


Ferrario, J., I. Gestoso, P. Ramalhosa, E. Cacabelos, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, e J. Canning-Clode. «Marine Fouling Communities from Artificial and Natural Habitats: Comparison of Resistance to Chemical and Physical Disturbances». Aquatic Invasions 15, n.o 2 (2020): 196–216.


Fonseca, V.F., S. França, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, H.N. Cabral, C.L. Mieiro, J.P. Coelho, E. Pereira, e P. Reis-Santos. «Spatial Variation in Mercury Bioaccumulation and Magnification in a Temperate Estuarine Food Web». Frontiers in Marine Science 6, n.o MAR (2019).


Fonseca, V.F., P. Reis-Santos, B. Duarte, H.N. Cabral, M.I. Caçador, N. Vaz, J.M. Dias, e M.P. Pais. «Roving Pharmacies: Modelling the Dispersion of Pharmaceutical Contamination in Estuaries». Ecological Indicators 115 (2020).


Franzitta, M., E. Feijão, M.T. Cabrita, C. Gameiro, A.R. Matos, J.C. Marques, J.W. Goessling, et al. «Toxicity Going Nano: Ionic Versus Engineered Cu Nanoparticles Impacts on the Physiological Fitness of the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum». Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (2020).


Human, L.R.D., E. Feijão, R. Cruz de Carvalho, I. Caçador, P. Reis-Santos, V. Fonseca, e B. Duarte. «Mediterranean Salt Marsh Sediment Metal Speciation and Bioavailability Changes Induced by the Spreading of Non-Indigenous Spartina Patens». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 243 (2020).


Laureano, G., J. Figueiredo, A.R. Cavaco, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, R. Malhó, M. Sousa Silva, A.R. Matos, e A. Figueiredo. «Author Correction: The Interplay between Membrane Lipids and Phospholipase A Family Members in Grapevine Resistance against Plasmopara Viticola (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (14538), 10.1038/S41598-018-32559-z)». Scientific Reports 9, n.o 1 (2019).


Lopes, D.G., I.A. Duarte, M. Antunes, e V.F. Fonseca. «Effects of Antidepressants in the Reproduction of Aquatic Organisms: A Meta-Analysis». Aquatic Toxicology 227 (2020).


Marques da Silva, J., B. Duarte, e A.B. Utkin. «Travelling Expenses: The Energy Cost of Diel Vertical Migrations of Epipelic Microphytobenthos». Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (2020).


Pérez-Romero, J.A., B. Duarte, J.-M. Barcia-Piedras, A.R. Matos, S. Redondo-Gómez, I. Caçador, e E. Mateos-Naranjo. «Investigating the Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Salicornia Ramosissima Response to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment under Coexistence of Prolonged Soil Flooding and Saline Excess». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 135 (2019): 149–59.


Ramalhosa, P., I. Gestoso, B. Duarte, I. Caçador, e J. Canning-Clode. «Metal Pollution Affects Both Native and Non-Indigenous Biofouling Recruitment in a Subtropical Island System». Marine Pollution Bulletin 141 (2019): 373–86.


Sebastiana, M., B. Duarte, F. Monteiro, R. Malhó, I. Caçador, e A.R. Matos. «The Leaf Lipid Composition of Ectomycorrhizal Oak Plants Shows a Drought-Tolerance Signature». Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 144 (2019): 157–65.

BIOTOX - Laboratório de Ecotoxicologia e Biomonitorização


Fac. de Ciências da Univ. de Lisboa, Edifício C2

Campo Grande

1749-016 Lisboa 


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