Advanced Courses
FOODANALYTICS - Food analysis: nutritional profile, authenticity and food safety
The training course comes within the scope of several research projects and collaborations in the area of ​​food, which includes the analysis of nutrient profiles of various foods and nutrient safety levels, as well as the assessment of food traceability and authenticity. Several of the analytical techniques developed are useful for biology and biochemistry students and for various actors in the food chains (production and supply), enabling trainees to:
1) Analysis of food contaminants, namely legislated metals and metalloids;
2) Analysis of elemental profiles, fatty acids, amino acids and carbohydrates in different food matrices and their nutritional value;
3) Molecular techniques to assess food product authenticity as a way of combating food fraud;
4) Assessment of freshness and food conservation indicators.
Assessment of the Ecological Quality of Transition Waters under the Water Framework Directive
This course is part of the application of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC, of ​​the European Parliament and of the Council, of 23 October, WFD), which establishes that member states must regularly monitor and evaluate their water of water, aiming to maintain or reach the Good Ecological Status.
In compliance with this regulation, several environmental quality assessment tools were developed - ecological quality indices - for the various components of the ecosystem, which are currently applied at the national level, not only in the scope of national monitoring but also in the environmental impact assessment. of projects that focus on the aquatic environment.
In this context, the objective of the training is to train trainees to apply the various ecological quality indices in force in the national context, for the assessment of environmental quality in transition systems.